The NCAA has long fought attempts to loosen its rules, but is now on a path toward allowing athletes to earn money from some endorsements, including through social media deals. Simone Biles, the Olympic gymnastics champion, gave up a scholarship offer from UCLA when the financial reality of turning pro made participating in college sports seem like too much of a sacrifice. The rules have also challenged some superstars to choose between college sports and the commercial markets.
(Ilana Panich-Linsman/The New York Times) Because cheerleading is not governed by the NCAA, its participants can sign lucrative endorsement deals that would lead to punishment for most college athletes, including soon-to-be NFL and NBA millionaires. Shannon Woolsey, left, a Texas Tech University cheerleader, gets help from her roommate and fellow cheerleader, Brooke Dumas, while creating content for one of her sponsors, in Lubbock, Texas, on Oct.